What is NaviGo Scholars?
Through NaviGo Scholars, Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky businesses have the power to connect with high school students who have the interest and aptitude for their industry.
Business sponsors in our NaviGo Scholars program have the unique opportunity to hand-pick potential future employees, guiding them and training them at an early age. NaviGo staff recruit students to be part of the program in August (for fall and year-long groups) and November (for spring groups). Sponsors then select who they want to be part of their personalized NaviGo Scholars group.
What makes this program unique is the NaviGo Coach.
While students get hands-on experiences during their monthly on-site meetings, a NaviGo coach is also on hand, learning along with the students. The coach serves as a liason, ensuring the sponsor’s desired soft skills and company culture become part of the experience. Additionally, the NaviGo coach meets with the students for a coaching session each month helping them set up the guideposts to achieve their college and career goals.
The Spring 2025 NaviGo Scholars opportunities are listed below with the sponsor company, group specifics and individual application links. Applications will open November 15th and close December 4th! *Transportation to in-person meetings will be the responsibility of the student.
Northern Kentucky & Cincinnati- for high school students in the tri-state region
BMW Automotive Careers
Sponsor: The BMW Store
Read the details
- Juniors & Seniors with an interest in discovering the full spectrum of automotive careers from sales to service
Students will Explore & Experience:
- Sales Strategies and Planning
- Management of Dealership Operations
- Parts Receiving and Distribution
- Aftersales Customer Service
- Technicians- entry-level to Master
- Training and educational opportunities for the varied career paths
- 2x/month- afternoon/early evening January- April
- Meetings will be held on-site at The BMW Store in Cincinnati, OH and Gateway Fort Wright Campus
- Save the Date for the Scholars End of Year Celebration Sunday, 4/27 (2-4pm)
Selected students will network with professionals in automotive careers with The BMW Store in Cincinnati. Scholars will also have a NaviGo Coach to provide career & college planning.
Questions? Please contact:
Jennie LaMothe
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- Sophomores & Juniors with a
strong interest in business and
Students will Explore & Experience:
- Idea Generation
- Business Planning
- Building a Framework
- Marketing
- Managing the Competition
- Growing and Scaling Your Business
- 2x/month, evenings from 6:30-8pm, January- April
- On-site at NKU and Gateway
Edgewood Campus - Save the date for Scholars End of Year Celebration- April 27, 2-4pm
Selected students will learn from
successful entrepreneurs and creative business leaders. Scholars will also have a NaviGo Coach to provide career & college planning.
Questions? Please contact:
Jennie LaMothe
Education Careers
Sponsor: Learning Grove
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- Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors
- Interest in any level of education from early childhood – elementary-middle- high school- higher education (college level)
Students will Explore & Experience:
- Careers in teaching at various age levels, content areas, and specialties
- Careers in education administration at different levels
- Careers in higher education (college level)
- On-Site at Learning Grove in Covington (333 Madison Ave, Covington)
- 2 Tuesdays a month, 4:30-6:00pm, January-April
- Save the date for Scholars End of Year Celebration- Sunday, 4/27 2-4pm
Selected students will network with professionals in education from early childhood through college from the NKY region. Scholars will also have a NaviGo Coach to provide career & college planning.
Questions? Please contact:
Jennie LaMothe
Mental Health Careers
Sponsor: NKCES, Boone Co Fiscal Court, Campbell Co Fiscal Court, Kenton Co Fiscal Court
Read the details
- Sophomores & juniors with a strong interest in exploring mental health careers
Students will Explore & Experience:
- GROUP 1- focus on social work, addiction counseling, family counseling, pastoral counseling, art therapy
- GROUP 2- focus on psychology (school/private practice), psychiatric services, school counseling
- Students can apply for either group with the same application
- 8 sessions per term (Jan.-April) 4 sessions with counseling professionals in various fields, and 4 sessions of NaviGo coaching focusing on exploration of career & education
- Meetings will be held at the Gateway campus in Edgewood, KY
- Save the date for the NaviGo Scholars End of Year Celebration on April 27th (2-4pm)
Selected students will learn from mental health professionals in various fields. Scholars will also have a NaviGo Coach to provide career & college planning.
Questions? Please contact:
Jennie LaMothe
Read the details
- Freshmen & Sophomores with a strong interest in construction and skilled trades.
Students will Explore and Experience:
- Carpentry
- Electrical
- Plumbing
- Welding
- Maintenance
- 2x/month 4:00-5:30pm, January-April
- On-Site at Building Industry Association (2751 Circleport Drive, Erlanger) or Gateway Edgewood Campus
- Save the Date for the Scholars End of Year Celebration- Sunday, 4/27 (2-4pm)
Selected students will learn from the best in the skilled trades! Scholars will also have a NaviGo Coach to provide career & college planning.
Questions? Please contact:
Jennie LaMothe
I want to get involved with NaviGo Scholars!
We are excited to offer local businesses the power to connect with students, guide them down a career path, and boost our local workforce.
One of the most exciting and powerful aspects of the NaviGo Scholars Program is the inclusion of a corporate career coach in the model. Having a committed individual who can provide timely, real-world knowledge from a professional perspective adds an invaluable dimension to the NaviGo Scholar’s journey of discovery and decision-making.”