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NaviGo is a trusted resource for students and parents in many ways. Our website is full of information, tips, and relevant news, all aimed at empowering students for post-secondary success and workforce readiness.

NaviGo Scholar Bryan Padilla Serves as School Board Representative

NaviGo Scholar Bryan Padilla Serves as School Board Representative

Courtesy: Northern Kentucky Tribune Bryan Padilla, a senior at Conner High School, was elected during his junior year as Student Representative to the Boone County School Board by student delegates of the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council (SSAC). He will tell...

“Inside Northern Kentucky” features Skyward SD1 NaviGo Scholars

“Inside Northern Kentucky” features Skyward SD1 NaviGo Scholars

KET features Behringer-Crawford Museum; Rick Hulefeld – Children Inc; and Skyward SD1 NaviGo Scholars Take a trip through Northern Kentucky history at the Behringer-Crawford Museum (home of the two-headed calf) in its spectacular setting in Devou Park. Meet a real...

Skyward Connects Education to Industry via NaviGo Scholars

Skyward Connects Education to Industry via NaviGo Scholars

It’s a story we hear all too often: Student leaves high school with no real plan for the future, floats aimlessly for a few semesters in college, then drops out and returns home saddled with debt. Tim Hanner set out to change that sad refrain after retiring as...

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